
The science curriculum in Georgia is designed to provide student with the knowledge and skills for proficiency in science. Relationships between science, our environment, and our everyday world are crucial to each student's scientific literacy.

Pickens County School District is committed to laying the foundation for every student to someday pursue a career that requires science or technology competencies.  We recognize that many of our most complex problems demand both scientifically literate citizens and a large and diverse population of problem-solvers who will work in career fields that require these science and technology competencies.

Science at Pickens High School is based on a physics-chemistry-biology sequence which leads students, over four years, from the simple to the complex. Through interpretations of data they collect themselves, students construct their own understanding of the fundamental forces in the universe.

Our science courses include:

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Earth Systems

  • Environmental Science

  • Essentials of Healthcare/Human Anatomy & Physiology

  • Forensic Science

  • Physical Science

  • Physics

  • Zoology

CTAE courses that can count as a fourth science include:

  • Animal Science

  • AP Computer Science Principles

  • Forestry Science

  • Game Design

  • Horticulture

  • Poultry Science

  • Sports Medicine