Parent Resources
Students and Bus Safety Rules
Be at your assigned bus stop five (5) minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
ABSOLUTELY no pushing, fighting, or other unsafe activities at the bus stop.
Stand at least twelve giant steps (12 feet) away from the street.
Wait until the bus stops and the door opens before moving toward the bus.
If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, walk on the road to a point at least twelve giant steps (12 feet)
ahead of the bus. Be sure all traffic has stopped both ways before crossing the road (STOP, LOOK, LISTEN). Be
sure the bus driver can see you, and you can see the bus driver. Wait for bus driver’s signal. Always look left,
right and left again for traffic before you cross in front of the school bus.
When entering or exiting bus, always use the handrail to avoid falls.
When approaching your bus stop, stay in your seat until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door is open.
When exiting the bus, secure loose items and drawstrings to avoid hanging them on the bus, especially the
Before exiting the bus, when you get to the bottom step, look to the right before you step off.
NEVER cross behind the bus.
NEVER run after the bus.
Stay out of the DANGER ZONE of a school bus, 12 feet on all sides of the bus.
If you drop something near the bus, NEVER try to pick it up because the driver may not be able to see you. Get
the driver’s attention before retrieving anything!
Never stop in the “Danger Zone” to get mail from the mailbox.
Primary Rules on the Bus
Go directly to your seat and sit bottom to bottom, back to back, feet on the floor. Keep backpack on your lap.
Remain seated, keep heads and hands inside the bus. Keep heads, hands, and legs out of the aisle.
Never throw objects in or out of the bus.
Be courteous and do not use profane language.
Never bring objectionable or dangerous objects such as weapons, glass or skateboards on the bus. Animals,
chemicals, flammable materials or other hazardous items are prohibited and will not be transported.
Do not tamper with safety equipment including crossing gate, emergency windows, or emergency hatches.
Keep your hands to yourself.
No eating or drinking (only exception is water in a plastic bottle) on the bus.
Always use quiet inside voices on the school bus that are not distracting/disruptive for the bus driver.
Always observe ABSOLUTE silence at a railroad crossing.
No headphones or earbuds while entering or exiting a school bus. Do not pass cell phones from one student to
another. Do not take pictures or video on the bus.
Show proper respect to the bus driver and follow all instructions.
Permitted and Non-Permitted Items
Permitted Band Instruments
Violin, Viola, Flute & Piccolo, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone,
Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, cymbals in pouches, Bells in a single case and Snare drum in a single case.
Students will secure these items in their lap or between their knees only (without obstructing the students face).
No instrument is permitted to sit between students. No instrument may in any way block the aisle, doors or
emergency exits. No instrument can be transported unsecured in an empty bus seat.
Non-Permitted Band Instruments
Cello, String Bass, Electric Bass, Percussion Combo Kit (Snare & Bells), Kettle Drum (Timpani), Tuba, Bass Drum,
Baritone, Saxophone, Sousaphone, Field Drum, Baritone/Euphonium, Contrabass/Contralto Clarinet, Guitar,
Concert Xylophone.
No instrument is permitted to sit between students. No instrument may in any way block the aisle, doors or
emergency exits. No instrument can be transported unsecured in an empty bus seat.
Other Non-Permitted Items
Flag Poles, Golf Bags, Skateboards, Color Guard Flags, ROTC Sabers, ROTC Guns, Lacrosse Sticks and any large
science projects that do not fit in the student’s lap.
Note: All Baseball Equipment must be stored in a bag and must be secured in their lap or between their knees
only (without obstructing the students face).
The Parent Responsibility Zone
Each student enrolled in school is assigned a bus stop for loading and unloading purposes. The stop
assigned is based on the student’s address within each school’s boundary. Assigned stops may change from year
to year. If a student attends another school within the district, parent must provide transportation.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure the safety of students when going to, coming from, and
at the bus stop. Students must be at their assigned stop five (5) minutes prior to the arrival of the bus. Have a
plan of what your child should do in case no one is at home in the afternoon.
Students in kindergarten through third grade (8 Years of age and younger) will be brought back to their school in
the afternoon if a parent, or parent/guardian designee is not present at the bus stop to receive them or if they
otherwise appear to have no appropriate supervision. This is in accordance with Department of Family and
Children’s Services (DFCS) guidelines for the safety and supervision of children. Parent’s may sign a waiver form
approving the release of their child without supervision. All requests are subject to review and approval by the
Transportation Department. Please contact the Transportation Department for details.
Students and their parents/guardians are reminded that riding the bus is a service that may be withdrawn under
certain circumstances. If a student is suspended from their bus, then they are suspended from riding any
Pickens County school bus. Parent/guardian is responsible for transporting their student to and from school.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to cooperate with the discipline actions set up by your county officials. Your
direct line of communication is with your school principal. Parents with concerns or complaints that need to be
addressed by the bus driver should schedule a conference with the bus driver through the school. Under no
circumstances should parents distract the bus driver by boarding the bus or complaining at the bus stop.
Student Behavior
School bus discipline and school bus safety are intertwined and inseparable.
Students must follow all bus rules and properly ride the bus to ensure everyone’s safety including other
students, motorists, and pedestrians.
Conduct that is disruptive or distracting will not be tolerated.
All bus safety rules apply to regular bus routes, bus stops, field trips and athletic trips.
Student conduct on the buses may be videotaped with surveillance equipment. This equipment is installed for
the purpose of promoting a safe environment for students, personnel, passengers, and drivers.
All bus related behavior issues and applicable disciplinary measures will be managed using criteria described in
the “Safe Rider Program” section. Please use the corresponding links provided on this page for more
Disruptive and Unlawful Behavior
Parents with concerns or complaints that need to be addressed by the bus driver should contact the
Transportation Department or they may use the Stakeholder Concern Form. Under no
circumstances should parents engage a bus driver about a concern or complaint at a bus stop location. Neither
should a parent board a Pickens County School bus for any reason. We are dedicated to addressing any
complaint or concern that arises, but the bus or bus stop is not the proper place to discuss the issue.
Georgia Code 20-2-1811 states it is unlawful for a person to disrupt or interfere with the operation of a school
bus or designated bus stop. Any person violating this Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of a “high and aggravated
Georgia Codes 16-5-20; 16-5-23 and 16-5-23.1 further protect school employees on buses and/or at school bus
stops against behavior legally defined as “simple assault” and “simple battery,” stating that people found guilty
of violating these codes will be punished for misdemeanors of a “high and aggravated nature.”